
Showing posts from July, 2015

Dad means coming home

 The word that often starts at fear, but ends in relief.  
 It provides protection that is invisible.  
 You just always knew it 
 and felt it.  
 It was always there. 
 Because when that word is spoken. 
 it feels like the worst things are okay. 
 Like every storm slows down.  
 Every tornado pauses.  
 Every fire mutes itself for a minute.  
 And every flood drains.  
 It’s words that have magic.  
 “Dad!” for one.  
 “Everything would be okay, son!” for another.  
 that changes the ferocity of events without changing anything.  
 The storm still has its fury. 
 The tornado still wrenches its guts.  
 The fire waits to roar again and the 
 flood will flood any second now.  But time has stopped.  
 You’re safe.  
 Shielded by something invisible.  
 You can’t tell what it is 
 Or where it comes from 
 Or that it’s even there 
 or was th...